Sulcata Tortoise – The Tank

A much missed member of my collection, well over 30 years old The Tank has had several previous homes and remains happy in the company of people and other animals and is tolerant of attention. The Tank currently resides at The unconventional Menagerie exotic pet shop & education centre based in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent where he remains one of their main attractions. He is not for sale & can be available for certain public events by arrangement.

Sulcata or Spur-Thighed Tortoises originates from the Southern edge of the Sahara desert in North Africa. They are the largest species of mainland tortoise and the third largest species worldwide. They have been known to reach a shell size of almost three feet & 230lb. They can potentially live for 150 years.  Like most tortoises they are vegetarian & live on a bland diet of grasses & plants.